Eminem ft. Pink - Won't Back Down Lyrics
We used to fight, We used to cry and we always used pull a frown but today we Wont Back Down
As we used to fight we used to laugh at the sight at you pulling your frown (EMINEM+PINK)But Today We Wont Back Down
We used to fight , we used to march, we used to walk into the dark, we never knew our future until we dicided, rap music made up shutup and confinded to one certan stage of our life doesnt matter a gun, fists or a knife we would all stand together not matter wat, until my brother proof got shot we started to buckle our seatbelts and just keep stum it was all hi and hey but knowone really got it, there never got my pain there never knew i blamed myself for wat happend to you proof and dont no body forget that you hurt this come from my mouth and not no paper but today there is nowere to run because
We used to fight, We used to cry and we always used pull a frown but today motherfucker we Wont Back Down
As we used to fight we used to laugh at the sight at you pulling your frown
But Today motherfucker We Wont Back Down